2013 Studio ArTour Artists

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Join us for the 9th annual Studio ArTour October 19 & 20, here are the artists you can see:

Artist Studio Medium Artist Studio Medium
Kathy Anderson 7 Textiles Annie Larson 2 Jewelry
Julie Arthur 13 Textiles Heather Lawrenz 2 Jewelry
Ian Baldry 2 Textiles Glynnis Lessing 3 Ceramics
Cathy Collison 6 Glass Dianne Lockerby 10 Ceramics
Marybeth Coyle 18 Jewelry Dawn Makarios 13 Ceramics
Susan Crow 17 Jewelry Patricia Mazurkiewicz 14 Painting
Patsy Dew 7 Photography Diane McDonald 5 Painting
Lisa Dolezal 14 Ceramics Kathy Miller 16 Painting
Toni Easterson 15 Textiles Kip O’Krongly 12 Ceramics
John Ehresmann 6 Glass Donovan Palmquist 1 Ceramics
DeAnn Engvall 7 Jewelry Sue Peoples 7 Jewelry
Rafael Estrella 20 Ceramics Jessica Prill 18 Jewelry
Julie Fakler 10 Painting Colleen Riley 1 Ceramics
Julie Free Heart 11 Painting Lucky Rimpila 20 Glass
Joel Froehle 12 Ceramics Judy Saye-Willis 7 Jewelry
Maryrose Gondeck 16 Painting Lori Schmidt 4 Jewelry
Sue Hammes Knopf 16 Jewelry Juliane Shibata 12 Ceramics
Emily Haskell 20 Ceramics Fred Somers 8 Painting
Joan Herzog 7 Painting Tom Willis 7 Ceramics
Chris & Sue Holmquist 4 Ceramics Jennifer Wolcott 2 Metal
Joannie Johnson 19 Painting Barbara Zaveruha 9 Ceramics
Becky Jokela 13 Painting