Kathy Anderson
Last January, images for the Weft Faced Weaving class offered by the Weaver’s Guild caught my eye. The colorful patterns reminded me of woven pieces from indigenous groups across the globe, from Scandinavian countries to the Americas to West Africa.
A Zoom weaving class?
“Why not!” I decided.
My approach to weaving is inspired by Saori, a contemporary Japanese style of weaving dedicated to free-form expression and pure improvisation from the heart, with no premeditated pattern in mind. So this more structured approach would be a major departure for me.
I am so thankful I took the dive! The teacher was great and made Zoom learning a breeze. It was inspiring to once again connect with fellow fiber enthusiasts and I also found that once I had the patterns under my belt there was lots of room to play with color and maintain my ability to design on the fly!
Samples of my weft face weaving from class:
Kathy Anderson Weft faced
Kathy Anderson Weft faced