Last weekend, Liz Rolfsmeier wrote an article for the Star Tribune featuring the Studio ArTour. Read the full article HERE
By Patsy Dew October has long been my favorite month of the year, and for the past three years I have spent one October weekend (the ArTour weekend) “behind door #7” as one of the seven artists hosted by Tom and Judy Saye-Willis. I look forward to spending this weekend again in Judy’s studio in the woods, watching the changing light as it filters through the golds, greens and reds. Last year Judy did a demonstration of the Shibori dyeing process, and I marveled at the beauty of these scarves blowing in the wind. I anticipate another fun weekend showing … Continue reading
Studio ArTour Artist Julie Fakler is painting a new series of portraits of the SAFE Sanctuary animals. SAFE (*Saving Animals From Euthanasia) Sanctuary is a non-profit volunteer organization that fosters animals in the Faribault area. This project is helping artist Julie Fakler refine and improve her painting style, focus on composition, and the study of color. SAFE Sanctuary has provided Julie with a variety of models that have challenged her ability to paint different breeds of cats and dogs. This new body of work will be exhibited at the Owatonna Art Center November 2-23. The opening reception will be on … Continue reading
Many of our artists are letting us know what they are up to in order to get ready for the tour. Cindy Robinson checks in: I bought a dozen scarves in a variety of fibers at the beginning of the summer, intending to dye and paint them in preparation for this year’s Studio Art Tour. Life got busy, however, and I couldn’t make up my mind what processes I wanted to utilize on them. I finally got inspired a week or two ago, deciding that I wanted to use the same shibori style, multiple dye bath approach on the scarves … Continue reading
We are just over 3 weeks out from the 10th annual Artour (October 18 & 19)and our artists are hard at work making art and getting their studios ready. Some, like Glynnis Lessing, have just returned from art fairs and must create more work. Others are excitedly preparing for their first Tour, like the guest artists at her studio. Glynnis has a busy art fair schedule all summer and has had to make enough work between each event for the next fair. Usually there are about 3 weeks between events. This means throwing and trimming her porcelain … Continue reading
We are very excited about the 10th Annual Artour and have extended the deadline to April 20th. However, IF you want a chance to have your images used on the postcard, please have them in no later than April 1. We invite you to apply to be a Studio or Guest Artist on the Tour. Please read through the application carefully and submit your application via email by (new date): April 20Please note: The applications go via email and the checks will be sent by regular mail to the address on the applications.We have a whole new team to administer this year’s tour. … Continue reading
By all accounts we had a great turn out for this year’s tour! Thank you so much to all the folks who traveled the back roads and stopped in to chat, have a bite to eat and take home some beautiful, local, hand-made art. It was so nice to meet the people (face to face) who want to have our artwork in their homes to use and appreciate. We hope you had as good a time as we did. One such visitor even wrote about our artists and their passion in Her blog. You can read her thoughts on our … Continue reading
By all accounts the first day of the tour was a great success! Many folks came out and met artists, watched demonstrations and purchased beautiful works of art. For those of you coming out today, Sunday, to enjoy the fall colors as you travel from one studio to another, here is a downloadable map that you can print out if you need to.map_2013 and here is a list of our artists and studios:artists_list And to everyone who came out yesterday, a big thank you!! We will be in our Open Studios again today, all day until 5 pm!
Judy Saye-Willis will be doing indigo vat dying demonstrations during the Artour at her studio- Sunset Studio #7 Here is an image of a pale indigo and a clay resist. Many other artists will be doing demonstrations at their studios too! Jennifer Wolcott will be doing something with metal at her studio #2 The Trinket Foundry is a fascinating place where they make several types of very unique of beads, they will be demonstrating- stop #6 In Studio 18 Mary Beth Coyle shows jewelry and paper monoprints J.M. Johnson … Continue reading
It’s a an exciting time here in Northfield as all our artists are preparing for the Studio Tour. Up at the Halling Kiln, Juliane Shibata (studio 12) loads a kiln with Glynnis Lessing (studio 3 )and Barabara Zaveruha (studio 9) That kiln will be fired tomorrow to be ready in time for our studio visitors! Just down the road at the Sunshine Studio (studio number 7) Both Tom and Judy are readying their fascinating studios- Tom says make sure to come by for the After because this is Before! He was just finishing up a firing today when this photo … Continue reading
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